Dysfunctional Uterine Bleeding
Dysfunctional Uterine Bleeding (DUB) is an abnormal condition that can easily increase your healthcare costs and decrease your quality of life. Blood loss in any form cannot bring any fruitful results. Uterine bleeding is a normal thing for women but can be dangerous if it crosses a normal healthy limit. It can have serious consequences if the treatment is delayed. Ayurveda offers highly effective, natural, and permanent dysfunctional uterine bleeding treatment. Read on the following paragraphs and you will discover a whole new perspective on this disease.
Dysfunctional uterine bleeding is abnormal menstrual bleeding without any specific systemic or local cause. The abnormality can happen in the duration, amount, and frequency of menstrual bleeding. This abnormal menstrual bleeding is expected around the menarche (early teenage) and premenopausal age. But if it occurs at any other stage or even at the beginning or last phase, it must be treated with immediate effect.
Symptoms of DUB
Major symptoms of DUB include irregular flow, heavy flow, painful menstruation, pale skin, physical weakness, bloating, passing large clots in menstruation, and the patient can even faint. Prakash Nethralaya follows a holistic approach and provides effective relief in all these symptoms with Ayurvedic Treatment for Dysfunctional Uterine Bleeding (DUB).